Need carrier-grade and wholesale services—no problem!
Vyve Broadband is delivering high-speed, continuous and reliable Internet over our growing fiber-backed network. Our service map showcases our fiber backbone, which powers our dedicated fiber solutions locally and nationally.

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Vyve Business Carrier and Wholesale Services Advantage
- Network in 16 States
- Dedicated Engineering and Carrier Support Team
- Fiber network with built in redundancy and reliability (99.99%)
- 24-7 NOC Circuit Monitoring and Support
- Tier 1 Internet exchange points in Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Chicago, Kansas City, Tulsa, Omaha, Oklahoma City, and Shawnee, OK.
Customized Solutions
- Dark Fiber
- LIT Fiber
- PTP – Last Mile Circuit Interconnect
- Carrier Ethernet P2P (10 Mb to 10 Gb)
- Wireless Tower (FTTT)
- Long Haul Transport
Find the perfect path with our fiber-optic network.